Sunday, March 07, 2021

7 March 2021: Why Did Team Cuomo Cook Numbers for COVID Nursing Home Death Data?

Cuomo's Nursing Home Death Data Misled New Yorkers

This report highlights the Cuomo administration's knowing misuse of the doctored New York Department of Health 6 July 2020 report.

The lower number, 6,432, was used by Cuomo again and again to claim that "we're number 46 in the nation in terms of percentage of deaths at nursing homes, compared to the total percentage."

The 9,000-plus figure that his aides considered too inaccurate to publish turned out to be pretty much the correct accounting. Trying to stall its release helped no one, and did significant damage to Cuomo's COVID legacy.

The data was also advanced by partisan members of the media in political attacks on other governors' performances during the coronavirus pandemic.