Wednesday, March 24, 2021

24 March 2021: Editorial - NY Assembly Should Stop Stalling Cuomo Impeachment Trial

Quit stalling — hold Gov. Cuomo's impeachment trial now

The New York Post's editors have a few words to say about Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie's lack of scope control for the legislature's impeachment probe of Governor Cuomo:

Just as we feared, the Assembly is stalling to protect Gov. Andrew Cuomo — aiming to take months to complete its impeachment inquiry. What a flagrant farce.

"Given the breadth and seriousness of the issues under investigation, we expect that the timing will be in terms of months, rather than weeks," Assembly Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Lavine (D-LI) said Tuesday.

That's because Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) threw everything but the kitchen sink into the mix to drag it out.

In project management, it's called "scope creep". It's a bad thing that generally only ensures failure. Having the Assembly Speaker build it in from the very beginning of an impeachment probe means the probe is designed to fail.