Wednesday, March 24, 2021

24 March 2021: Cuomo Claims He's Still Doing His Job

NY's Cuomo insists he can still do job amid scandals, says governors can handle 'multiple situations'

Here's what the report indicates Governor Cuomo had to say about his ability to do his job:

Cuomo maintained that he is doing his job – opening vaccination centers across the state and negotiating the state's budget – saying that his administration is "making good progress."

"They don't even understand the nature of the job – the nature of being governor, always, is multiple situations to deal with," he said. "I had to deal with Trump as president – talk about distractions – that was a distraction."

The Trump DOJ was actively investigating Governor Cuomo's nursing home scandals, which Cuomo officials have claimed is why they covered up the full extent of COVID deaths while the Cuomo administration's deadly 25 March 2020 directive was in effect, so we guess we could see how he might find that a "distraction".

What he considers "doing his job" these days appears to be a lot less than it used to be, unless it involves coverups or intimidating witnesses.