Friday, March 26, 2021

26 March 2021: Evening Roundup of Cuomo Scandal News

How many scandals does Governor Cuomo have? We don't know yet, because the numeric answer is still increasing, but the following article provides a nice, though incomplete, summary of several of the bigger ones:

As part of his strategy to stay in power, Governor Cuomo is playing his race cards. He's already been called out for exploiting fears of false persecution among his supporters in the "Black community", but what do New York's "Black community leaders" think of being used as a shield by the Governor?

Meanwhile, Governor Cuomo staged a "press conference" to feature his allies in the Latino community, where we have to put the words "press conference" in quotation marks because the event didn't include any members of New York's "Reporter community" or its "Journalist community":

We'll close this evening edition with a bit of good news. WLNY reports NY families who have been blocked from visiting relatives in NY nursing homes by Governor Cuomo's restrictions will finally be able to see them in person:

Here's WLNY's video report: