Wednesday, March 17, 2021

17 March 2021: NY Families Still Blocked from Visiting Relatives in Nursing Homes

'Considering chaining myself to the door': Most New York nursing homes still ban visitors

Governor Cuomo's restrictions for New York's nursing homes are still blocking families from visiting their relatives. He first imposed restrictions preventing families from visiting New York nursing homes on 12 March 2020 and though they were relaxed on 29 July 2020, the restrictions still pose a considerable barrier to families concerned for their sick, elderly family members.

We believe Governor Cuomo's restrictions blocking family members from New York nursing homes played a role in delaying the discovery of the deadly impact of his 25 March 2020 directive forcing nursing homes to blindly admit COVID patients from hospitals to free up their resources for other patients for weeks after it was implemented. The nonpartisan Empire Center estimates at least 1,000 additional COVID deaths are attributable to Governor Cuomo's deadly directive.