Wednesday, March 24, 2021

24 March 2021: A Profile of Janice Dean

Meteorologist Janice Dean has become one of the most prominent critics of Governor Cuomo and his COVID nursing home policies. The articles below provide insight into how she evolved into that role:

24 March 2021: Fox meteorologist Dean turns into fierce Cuomo critic

In the last year, Janice Dean has become a leading advocate for the families of the Cuomo administration's COVID nursing home victims. In that role, she almost single-handedly kept the scandal visible when biased news media organizations were determined to minimize it while advancing a "Cuomo the Hero" narrative. This article provides a window into the roots of her advocacy and its impact.

29 April 2021: Andrew Cuomo’s worst nightmare

This article covers much of the same ground that earlier reporting has covered, but does offer deeper insight into Dean's reaction to Governor Cuomo's appearances on CNN as one of the motivating factors behind her advocacy:

“Had I not seen him and his brother on TV doing their stupid comedy show, had I not seen him writing a book in the middle of a pandemic, when he should be writing condolence cards, and had he come out and said, ‘I'm sorry for your loss,’ which he's never done before, had he spoken with some of the families, had he had a town hall with grieving family members, had he called some of us on the phone,” it might have gone differently, Dean reflected. “Had he said to us in the beginning, ‘I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to right this, I made such a terrible mistake.’ But it was his ego and his quest for wanting more power that truly brought him down. So, I’m actually grateful for his gross comedy hour with his brother, and I’m grateful for his disgusting book. And his, you know, his terrible interviews, you know, puffing himself up to be this — this homecoming king? If it weren’t for that, you would have gotten away with it.”

Follow this link for more information related to CNN's ethically compromised coverage of Governor Cuomo and his many scandals in the timeline.