The following articles present different aspects of one of the bigger stories of the day: New York's new law that allows many family members to finally visit their elderly, sick relatives living in New York's nursing homes after more than a year of coronavirus pandemic restrictions imposed by Governor Cuomo.
The day provided reports of Governor Andrew Cuomo and CNN Cheerleader Chris Cuomo attempting to continue business and life as normal:
- The addiction Cuomo can’t quit: The governor keeps giving the state’s hospitals what they want
- Care-free Chris Cuomo steps out for COVID-19 vaccine amid testing scandal
The day also provided reports and analysis that indicate life for Governor Cuomo is very far from a pre-scandal normal:
- Claims against Cuomo: A look at the women’s allegations
- The walls close in around Andrew Cuomo: Goodwin
- Editorial: Mr. Cuomo's failed test
Even the bridge named after the father of Governor Andrew Cuomo and CNN Cheerleader Chris Cuomo is mired in his gubernatorial son's scandals. And now there's an Irish-style sea shanty about it!