Monday, May 24, 2021

24 May 2021: Poll - Slim Majority of New Yorkers Want Cuomo to Resign

Number of NYers Who Say Cuomo Should Not Resign Dips in a Month, New Poll Shows

Polls are what news outlets cover when there isn't news to cover. In the following section, we find there is little difference from polling a month ago on the same questions asked of registered voters, although it suggests a slight majority of New Yorkers now want to see Governor Cuomo resign from office:

The number of New Yorkers who say Gov. Andrew Cuomo should not resign has dropped in a month as the state attorney general's probe into allegations of sexual misconduct and his administration's handling of nursing home deaths continue.

In a new poll released Monday by Siena College, registered voters said the Democrat should not resign by a 49-41 percent margin, compared to last month's margin of 51-37 percent. Voters' approval of Cuomo's handling of the pandemic has also decreased, from 60-32 to 58-35 percent, but his favorability rating increased a bit after plunging to all-time lows.

There's a huge difference in opinion of the governor between his party and Republicans, according to the poll. While Democrats are divided, Republicans and independents think Cuomo has committed sexual harassment, Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said.

“Democrats continue to say Cuomo should not resign by a two-to-one margin, as Republicans say he should resign by a now larger than two-to-one margin,” Greenberg said.

The polling responses are well within the margin of error for the polling, where it's tough to make an argument that there's been any real shift in public opinion in the last month.

The information about the partisan divide is interesting because political party affiliation in New York is heavily weighted toward Governor Cuomo's Democratic party, who outnumber Republicans by over a two to one ratio according to 2018 voter registration data.

Doing some back of the envelope math, with the reported ratios of voters who want to see Governor Cuomo resign indicated by the poll, it would take over 70% of New Yorkers who are neither registered Democratic or Republican party voters in New York to produce its 51% result in favor of Governor Cuomo's resignation.