Thursday, May 20, 2021

20 May 2021: CNN's Cuomo Ethical Conflicts Worsen

Chris Cuomo took part in strategy calls advising his brother, the New York governor, on how to respond to sexual harassment allegations

CNN continues shredding the remnants of its journalistic credibility:

The cable news anchor encouraged his brother to take a defiant position and not to resign from the governor’s office, the people said. At one point, he used the phrase “cancel culture” as a reason to hold firm in the face of the allegations, two people present on one call said.

The behind-the-scenes strategy offered by Chris Cuomo, who anchors CNN’s 9 p.m. nightly newscast, cuts against the widely accepted norm in journalism that those reporting the news should not be involved in politics.

“If you are actively advising a politician in trouble while being an on-air host on a news network, that’s not okay,” said Nicholas Lemann, a professor at Columbia Journalism School and a New Yorker staff writer.

Just imagine if Chris Cuomo had any influence over choosing what news stories about Governor Cuomo that CNN would cover and what news stories it would not cover. Oh, wait - that might be some kind of major conflict of interest that could completely discredit an entire broadcast news outlet's product, wouldn't it?

More on this story to come!... Until then, follow this link for background on CNN's ethically troubled history in covering Govenor Cuomo and his scandals.