Sunday, May 23, 2021

23 May 2021: Editorial - The Lies and Rage of Governor Andrew Cuomo

As his scandals grow ever worse, Andrew Cuomo offers only lies and rage

The editors of the New York Post characterize the diminishing governorship of Andrew Cuomo:

“That’s stupid; next question,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo this week told a reporter who’d asked him to respond to criticism that his $5.1 million book deal came on the backs of dead elderly New Yorkers. Is he losing it?

After all, he answered another question: “Yes, people died, people died, from COVID.... Eighteen people died yesterday. Who is to blame? Who is to blame? How do you want to politicize 18 deaths of yesterday?”

The issue, of course, is that Team Cuomo last March ordered nursing homes to admit COVID-contagious patients that hospitals wanted to dump — and, when people started asking about it, began a months-long coverup of the true extent of nursing-home COVID deaths....

It’s not just those who lost loved ones in the homes who should be outraged: This is a vast betrayal of the public trust for personal profit. Yet all the gov can do is rage at anyone who suggests otherwise....

And he has yet to show a hint of shame: Cuomo is plainly bent on lying and raging all the way to the inevitably ignominious end of his political career.

There's a lot more discussion in the editorial - be sure to click through the link to see what's behind the ellipses that indicate where we trimmed the editors' comments!