Monday, May 10, 2021

10 May 2021: Pressure to Impeach on New York Assembly

What it would take to impeach Cuomo — Mayoral candidates clash over public safety — Hotel union launches ad blitz

This article summarizes Politico's historical analysis of what constitutional and legal standards might apply to the impeachment of New York's governor. We covered that analysis in its own timeline entry, but this potpourri report on New York-related news points to how the New York Assembly's role in impeachment will become relevant:

Here's a scenario that could play out in the coming weeks: the various state and federal investigations into Gov. Andrew Cuomo could determine he’s acted inappropriately, but lack the proof needed to take further action against him. All eyes — and especially those of the governor’s critics — would very likely turn to the Assembly, which has launched an impeachment investigation into the governor.

With the Assembly's impeachment probe appearing to be little more than a 'sham', it's an open question of whether the majority of lawmakers who have called for Governor Cuomo to resign have the backbone to follow though with impeachment since he has refused.