Friday, May 21, 2021

21 May 2021: Calls for CNN Cuomo to be Suspended

Suspend Chris Cuomo from CNN for his Advice to Brother, Urges Women's Group

CNN has already described its prime time news broadcast host Chris Cuomo's conduct in providing advice to Governor Cuomo on how to handle the media related to his alleged sexual harassment abuses as inappropriate, but has passed on imposing any disciplinary action. This report indicates at least one women's group wants to see the younger ethically-challenged Cuomo face consequences for his inappropriate conduct.

Women's group UltraViolet has called on CNN to suspend Chris Cuomo after it was revealed that the host had advised his brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, on how to publicly handle allegations of sexual harassment.

UltraViolet, which describes itself as an "organization that creates consequences for sexism by holding politicians and thought leaders accountable to all women," issued a statement on Thursday. It has previously urged Governor Cuomo to resign.

Chris Cuomo has apologized for advising the governor and said he would not do so again, but his actions have renewed concerns about his role in the network's coverage of his brother.

UltraViolet communications director Bridget Todd issued a statement calling for Cuomo's suspension, some of which was shared on the group's Twitter account.

"Reports that Chris Cuomo not only joined strategy calls with his brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo, on how to respond to numerous sexual harassment allegations against him, but actively advised his brother to aggressively push back on the allegations, is deeply disturbing and completely unacceptable," the statement said.

With CNN's management and editors appearing to see themselves as star players on Team Cuomo, we think it is unlikely they will ever impose a disciplinary action on Chris Cuomo that could be used against the interests of his powerful brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Just imagine the claims of hypocrisy Governor Cuomo and New York Democratic Party officials would face if his brother faced more severe sanctions related to his minor role in the Governor's scandals than the Governor has.

On the other hand, their taking a pass on disciplining Chris Cuomo for the inappropriate conduct they acknowledge makes it look almost as if they're on the Governor's payroll. What are they getting in return for shredding the entire news network's credibility?