Monday, April 05, 2021

5 April 2021: After Hiding for 10 Days, Cuomo Faces Softball Questions from Reporters

Cuomo finally takes questions as overdue NYs budget comes together slowly

Cuomo spoke about the budget deal he and the majority Democrats struck at an event that featured the press, but here's the real story, which appears as the second-to-last paragraph in this article:

Cuomo didn’t face questions about the latest sexual harassment allegation from last week from Sherry Vill, or recent accusations he used his office to personally befit himself and his family during the pandemic either.

Not exactly a profile in courage, is it? And it didn't go unnoticed....

EDITORIAL: Cuomo must stop avoiding tough questions from reporters

The editors of Schenectady's New York Daily Gazette all but call Governor Cuomo a chicken in describing his 5 April 2021 press conference:

He took just four reporters’ questions, all from regional or internet reporters and nothing of real substance or controversy.

He avoided taking questions from The New York Times, Newsday, the Times Union, New York Post and the entire state capitol press corps.

It is not being transparent when you’re only fielding softballs from a handful of friendly reporters.

Gov. Cuomo is the state’s chief executive and its chief spokesman. The public needs to hear from him, and not just when things are going well.

Hiding behind selectively enforced covid protocols and rigged press availabilities isn’t responsible governing.

The governor needs to come out from behind the curtain and start being accountable again — by holding real press conferences and responding to real, tough questioning.

It's become clear since his administration's deadly 25 March 2020 directive that accountability is something Governor Cuomo doesn't believe applies to himself or his loyalist dead enders.

Several episodes that Team Cuomo has staged during this period are documented in the timeline: