Wednesday, April 14, 2021

14 April 2021: Creepy Admiration of Governor Cuomo

Biden reportedly once praised Gov. Cuomo’s ‘enormous balls’

We featured the profile of Governor Cuomo that cited then-Vice President Joe Biden's comments, but purposefully chose to omit this portion of it in our earlier commentary to focus on more serious matters.

President Biden once spoke admiringly about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s “absolutely enormous balls” — and illustrated his remarks with an indecent gesture, according to a report Tuesday.

The incident, which reportedly took place before an official event in Rochester in 2015, was recounted to the New York Times Magazine by a Cuomo aide who spoke at the time with Biden, then the nation’s vice president.

“Can I tell you my favorite thing about the governor?” Biden reportedly said.

“He’s got tremendous balls. Absolutely enormous balls.”

Biden also reportedly cupped his hands as if he were holding a pair of melons, the magazine said.

Joe Biden's personal impression of Governor Cuomo, ladies and gentlemen. It sadly says more about what Joe Biden values and what the author of that piece finds relevant than anything meaningful at all about Andrew Cuomo or his many, many scandals.