Saturday, April 24, 2021

24 April 2021: Cuomo Turns to Staged Public Events Closed to Non-Supporters and Reporters for Publicity

Under siege, Cuomo retreats to closed events

The phrase "Cuomo hiding behind..." is becoming more common as Governor Cuomo's cowardly avoidance of serious questioning through stonewalling continues:

Facing allegations of sexual harassment and calls to resign, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is trying to stay visible by holding pep-rally style events, surrounded by supporters and closed off to the public and the news media.

On Thursday, Cuomo ground on a new sewage project in East Rockaway, though the public and reporters weren't allowed in.

In recent weeks, he’s also staged vaccination announcements at the cavernous Javits Center in Manhattan and a large gym in Yonkers.

Even at such airy venues, the public couldn't attend because of COVID-19 safety protocols, the administration has said.

This report makes the point about "airy venues" because these are widely considered safe for large numbers of attendees with social distancing by COVID experts not on the Cuomo administration's payroll.

All in all, the increasing use of the practice marks one of the many ways Governor Cuomo has changed how he does his job as a result of his exposed scandals.