Wednesday, April 21, 2021

21 April 2021: The Anniversary of the Exposure of Governor Cuomo's COVID Nursing Home Deaths Scandals

A year later, waiting on justice for New York's governor

This report covers the anniversary of the death of Dolores Newman, Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean's mother-in-law, to COVID in a New York nursing home during the period when the Cuomo administration's deadly 25 March 2020 directive was in effect.

This week marked the one-year anniversary that Janice Dean lost mother-in-law Dolores Newman to COVID-19, and her father-in-law would succumb to the virus weeks later, too. But it would be almost a year later that the always-smiling weather lady would learn Gov. Andrew Cuomo would be ultimately responsible for their deaths, since he ordered nursing homes across the state to take back COVID-positive patients who were recovering in hospital beds.

That fact was, at first, unknown to the public while the media was praising the Democrat governor for leading a statewide effort to fight the virus. While the elderly were literally dying from the virus, Cuomo won an Emmy for his press conferences and landed a multi-million dollar book deal.

It was a nursing home investigation by New York's attorney general that eventually uncovered the truth, and Attorney General Tish James' report released in late January not only faulted the New York Dept. of Health but concluded it had undercounted the gruesome deaths by as much as 50%.

According to The New York Post, which was the first news outlet to demand answers from Cuomo, the New York Dept. of Health issued an order on March 25, 2020 that would lead to countless deaths across the state.

“We've had over 15,000 deaths in elder care facilities,” Dean told Fox News, “and I believe it's partly because of the governor's mandate to put COVID-19-positive [patients] into nursing homes for 46 days.”

Since the tragic facts of Governor Cuomo's nursing home deaths scandals have become known, Dean has become a leading advocate seeking the Governor and members of his administration be held accountable for their deliberately chosen policies.

Since we're marking the one-year anniversary of the exposure of Governor Cuomo's COVID nursing home deaths scandals, here's the timeline entry for the story:

And here's the article by New York Post journalists Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding, who broke that news:

The article was originally posted online at 5:19 PM on 20 April 2020, the late hour of which is why we're marking the one year anniversary today on 21 April 2021.