Sunday, August 08, 2021

8 August 2021: 50 Democratic County Chairs Call for Cuomo to Resign

More than 50 NY Democratic County Chairs jointly calling for Cuomo's resignation

In the latest sign that Andrew M. Cuomo's political future in New York is deteriorating, the chairs of 50 county-level Democratic Party organizations want to see Cuomo resign to minimize damage to the political party.

The calls from Democratic leaders for Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign continue to grow this weekend.

This despite Cuomo’s attorney speaking out against the Attorney General’s report.

More than 50 New York Democratic County Chairs are now calling for Governor Cuomo to resign.

There are 62 counties in New York state.

Without the support of the local party organizations, Cuomo's path to a fourth term as New York's governor, his main political strategy for beating the legal consequences of his multiple scandals, becomes more difficult, if not impossible to achieve. It's a clear sign the rank and file members of his political party want him gone.