Friday, June 11, 2021

11 June 2021: Opinion - Experts and Political Leaders Let Us Down in Pandemic

Fauci emails show how our COVID experts and leaders failed us

Governor Cuomo's pandemic leadership performance figures prominently in Tom Wrobleski's column:

Hindsight is 20-20 for non-professionals like me, but the experts should have had a clue.

The best we can say is that there appear to be no experts. And that’s OK. Just don’t shout at us to “follow the science” and “trust the experts” (looking at you, Gov. Andrew Cuomo).

He goes on to cite other examples, but returns to Governor Cuomo:

Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio told us New Yorkers that we were at low risk from COVID. Cuomo and de Blasio told us not to change our routines, not to avoid crowds, not to boycott shopping and eating in Chinatown.

They were wrong. And Cuomo was wrong to shunt COVID-positive patients into state nursing homes.

If you’re being honest, you’ll say that there’s plenty of blame to go around.

Let’s hope the experts and the pols do better next time. Lives literally depend on it.

The saddest part is that Cuomo knew he was wrong to "shunt COVID-positive patients into state nursing homes". He did it anyway.