Wednesday, February 02, 2022

2 February 2022: Editorial - Andrew M. Cuomo Still a Huge Creep

Driven out of office — rightly: Andrew Cuomo is still a huge creep and worse

The New York Post's editors have followed up the story of the last DA to decline pursuing criminal charges against Andrew M. Cuomo related to allegations raised by multiple women who claim he sexually harassed them with this editorial. The following excerpt presenting the full, short editorial gets to the core of why Cuomo should be considered worse than a huge creep:

With the dropping of all criminal cases against ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo based on the sexual-harassment charges outlined in Attorney General Tish James’ landmark report, the Cuomo camp is trying to claim vindication, pretending he was railroaded out of office.

Nonsense: Andrew got off easy.

For starts, as Oswego DA Gregory Oakes told The Post after dropping the last investigation, his decision was no “exoneration.” The lack of a “sufficient legal basis” to bring charges is simply that: Prosecutors face a high burden of proof.

We’d add that the sheer volume of women who bravely stepped forward to accuse the then-gov is itself damning, and the Legislature clearly agreed because it was going to impeach him until he quit to avoid that disgrace.

Nor was the sex stuff the only reason to force him out. There was his deadly March 25, 2020, nursing-home directive, and the prolonged coverup of the associated death toll.

As well as the scandal of Cuomo’s $5.1 million book deal, which provided a personal financial motive for the coverup and may yet see him facing federal charges.

In short, Cuomo is still a creep — and worse.

There are open questions of whether the Department of Justice will seriously pursue the probes of Cuomo's acknowledged malfeasance given its politicization under the Biden-Harris administration. The DOJ under Biden has already dropped its civil rights probe into COVID nursing home deaths in New York and two other states that adopted and sustained similar policies to Cuomo's deadly 25 March 2020 directive. Only New Jersey currently remains under that scrutiny and only in veterans homes run by the state government.

The other cases being investigated by the DOJ carry more criminal weight, so we'll see what develops. The Biden DOJ however has not done much to establish its credibility in investigating cases involving those, like Cuomo, who are either politically or closely connected with President Biden.