Thursday, May 21, 2020

21 May 2020: Cuomo Cheerleader CNN's Credibility Enters Rapid Phase of Collapse

Chris Cuomo teases brother Andrew with giant test swab

It's utterly amazing that anyone professing to be a serious journalist, editor, or manager at CNN thought the following clip from their Cuomo Prime Time news broadcast of 21 May 2020 was a good idea.

This featurette took a lot of prep time to execute. Things had to be purchased to fabricate the props. Higher-ups at CNN had to sign off on the expenses and the commitment of labor to produce it. Coordination with Governor Cuomo had to occur to enable it.

In short, CNN didn't shred its journalistic credibility by accident. It was an inside job by those who were all to willing to make themselves the servants of the "Cuomo the hero" narrative they were trying to push.