Tuesday, September 07, 2021

7 September 2021: Cuomo Loyalist Dead-Enders Embedded in NY Appointed Govt Positions

Hochul inherits horde of entrenched Cuomo appointees

This report indicates Andrew M. Cuomo's influence network permeates throughout New York's state government, public universities, and various powerful agencies in the state.

Disgraced, ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo may be gone but the long shadow he cast over the New York government empire over a decade — filled with entrenched loyalists — will remain for years.

His replacement, Gov. Kathy Hochul, inherits a massive New York bureaucracy filled with key Cuomo appointees over several major agencies, including SUNY and CUNY, the Port Authority, MTA, the Public Service Commission, Empire State Development, the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, among other agencies.

In many cases, the Cuomo appointees serve fixed terms and cannot be replaced even if Hochul wants to get rid of them.

The report continues on to list a number of high profile Cuomo loyalists who are embedded in various government positions to which Andrew M. Cuomo appointed them. Click through the article link above to see who some of the more high profile Cuomo loyalists are and where they were placed.

Meanwhile, the article quotes former New York Governor David Paterson, who like Kathy Hochul, had to deal with a similar situation when he became governor after Eliot Spitzer was forced to resign in disgrace:

Former Gov. David Paterson — who suddenly became the state’s chief executive when predecessor Eliot Spitzer resigned in a hooker scandal in 2008 — said Hochul has to prevent the bureaucrats hired by predecessors from going rogue on her.

“My advice for a new person is to clean house. You just have to get rid of people. I didn’t address it quickly enough,” Paterson said.

Private sector groups like Time's Up and the Human Resources Council acted within 30 business days to clean house, recognizing the damage former Cuomo staffers brought into their organizations. Hochul would do well to apply Patterson's hard lessons learned within a similar time period.