Monday, February 22, 2021

22 February 2021: NY Dems Try to Head Off Cuomo Impeachment With Censure; Is There Another Cuomo Coverup?

Democrats Introduce Resolution to Censure N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Over COVID Nursing Home Controversy

This report covers the efforts of members of Governor Cuomo's political party in the New York legislature to preserve his tenure in office by formally rebuking his conduct in office. We interpret this action by his supporters as an indication of how far the pendulum has swung against the Governor.

Another Cuomo Cover-Up?

This op-ed by James Freeman considers whether Governor Andrew Cuomo's administration has engaged in a second coverup of COVID-19 deaths, this time of New York residents with disabilities who live in residential group homes. The article brings to mind the old saying about hygiene: you either have it, or you don't. Which is to say that once people realize you were covering up a problem, every other problem you have becomes visible, because they can no longer be ignored.