Sunday, September 06, 2020

6 September 2020: Frustrated New Yorker Flies 'The Gov Killed Nana' Banner

‘The gov killed Nana’ banner flies over NYC, LI beaches to troll Gov. Andrew Cuomo

We didn't expect there would be much new information on this story over Labor Day weekend, but this one surprised us. Someone hired a small plane to tow a banner over New York City and the beaches of Long Island with the statement "THE GOV KILLED NANA" written on it. Follow the link to the story to see the mobile phone video of the plane in flight.

Here's an excerpt from the report describing how the trolling flight was received:

One Rockaway beachgoer told The Post the plane flew by around 4 p.m. as observers stopped to take pictures and applauded the message.

“The people were going crazy," the beachgoer said. “[Cuomo] is nothing but a liar, condescending and miserable person. His carelessness caused the death of a lot of people unnecessarily."