Monday, March 16, 2020

16 March 2020: How Many Hospital Beds Will Be Needed?

Governor Cuomo is a Guest on CNN's Cuomo Prime Time

At this point, Governor Cuomo was beginning to appreciate that the thousands of hospital beds across the state of New York were really a scarce resource.

"I see a wave and the wave is going to break on the health care system ... You take any numerical projections on any of the models and our health care system has no capacity to deal with it."...

"Yeah. I think you look at that trajectory, just go dot, dot, dot, dot, connect the dots with a pencil. You look at that arc, we're up to about 900 cases in New York. It's doubling on a weekly basis. You draw that arc, you understand we only have 53,000 hospital beds total, 3,000 ICU beds, we go over the top very soon."

This transcript also marks what would become one of the most shameful and corrupt episodes in modern journalism, as CNN became complicit in the scandals that followed.